Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Smiling Moon

I was in IIT Delhi on 1st December evening preparing for a very important demo scheduled for the next day. And as I looked up in the sky to see how dark it had already become before 6, I noticed this awesome event, a gesture by the mother nature. The moon had a very thin crescent and just above it were two planets (Jupiter and Venus) at two corners of the crescent. The three heavenly bodies made a figure which we call a "smiley" :). I loved the view and wanted to reach home as soon as possible so that I could capture this moment forever. Unfortunately, till the time I reached home, the sky was already filled with fog and the trio was nowhere to be seen. I was very disappointed.

Today when I came home, the crescent of the moon had grown in these two days and the planets were still visible. Only the planets were lying somewhere else and the moon was stationed somewhere else. Suddenly an idea struck me. I thought of taking the pictures of both the planets and the moon and then aligning them in GIMP to get a picture similar to the smiling moon which happened just a couple of days ago. And I did exactly that :) Captured the moon and the planets with the same camera settings and then placed everything (had to scale down the planets photo) to get what I was desperate to capture since the time I witnessed it. Wallaah !! I did it :) Though, it would be termed fake and I would have to live with it :(, yet I have the satisfaction that by hook or by crook, I did make the moon smile once again.
